August Newsletter


Insights to help you transform ways of working so people love their jobs!


This month, links to limited time discounts for Alex’s new book, it is now an international bestseller in Amazon! Get in touch with Alex if you want to talk through genuine approaches to Transformation without heavy scaling frameworks or massive consultancies.

We also have an article about the work from home debate, the latest data in global ways of working, and as usual some techniques to ReBoot your TOOLKIT and increase your performance at work.

We’d love to hear what you think! Come and join us over at our ReBoot Co. LinkedIn page.


Empowered Agile Transformation - Beyond the Framework

Alex is speaking at LASTClub about the book Friday at 12.30 AEST for an interactive on-line session, she’d love to see you there.

The book in Amazon here and discounted paperback here.


Why the performance review is dying out

Another article on why performance reviews should be abolished, yet so many of our companies still run these cycles! Our blog on the topic from 2018 now feels evergreen. This article depicts ‘the stupidest thing American companies do.’ Could we replace annual cycles in favour of frequent feedback?


Strategic pillars, could they be an antipattern?

This article proposes that categorising work under ‘pillars’ with a supposed relationship to a positive outcome can lead organisations to underachieve. More specific goals with corresponding measures may serve you better.


10 great OKR dashboards

While we are talking about achieving goals, I found this article useful (although it’s really an ad for a product) it does make me consider, what are good ways to capture and share OKRs? If your company is nuts about OKRs like many others, you might get some value in these ideas.


In the news! Can Australian employers stop you working from home?

Here is what the law says about that. Did anyone think after the pandemic forced us working from home we would end up here? The workplace is ever evolving, and it’s fascinating to see how we adapt to some conditions and reject others in this ABC news article.


State of the Global Workplace: 2023

This Gallup report represents the collective voice of the global employee. The highs and lows range from ‘engagement reached a record high in 2022’ to ‘The majority of the world’s employees are quiet quitting’


Story Points Revisited

I came across this ‘sorry not sorry’ article from Ron Jeffries about story points. Do you remember where they came from? This article explains how it originated in XP and it’s original intention. If your team uses them is it as per original intent or has that been lost for you? Do you know why you are using them?


ReBoot your TOOLKIT and level up your skills

Two good articles on facilitation: How to be a great facilitator and Your Secret Superpower for Facilitation.

Event Storming was a trendy new technique a few years ago, it deserves a bigger share of your toolkit if you haven’t used it, highly recommended. Start with this cheat sheet and this video from DDD conference.


2 more ways ReBoot Co. can help you

  • Our services are designed for speed and impact, from co-designing strategy for modernising your ways of working, to training and coaching in Agile, Lean and Product Development.

  • Book a coaching session with our co-founder Alex Stokes, coaching is available for organisations who have a need to uplift capability, book time with Alex here


September Newsletter


July Newsletter